Dream to STEAM
The mission of the Poway Unified School District Foundation is to provide funding, resources, support, and opportunities for PUSD programs including STEAM initiatives across the District. The generous donations and support from community partners like you fuel our capability to offer an array of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) programs to all students in the district. Although the district receives some funding from the state, it is not near enough to offer the depth of programming that all 35,000+ students can benefit from. Our students flourish in the STEAM programs, activities and opportunities, and your gift helps assure that we can continue this for all students.

Funds raised from this campaign will support:
--- Academic competitions, such as FIRST Robotics, Science Olympiad,
CyberPatriot, Future Farmers of America (FFA), Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
--- Annual Recognition Event for District Teachers, Classified Staff and Volunteers
--- Junior Achievement (BizTown, JA Company Program, Finance Park and JA Ambassador Programs)
--- Level-Up Funding to Ensure Standard Experiences to Students Across the District
--- Visual and Performing Arts and the Media, Arts and Entertainment Fund
--- Middle and High School College and Career Fairs
--- Districtwide Professional Development Events
Your donation financially supports enhanced educational opportunities for students. Any amount you are able to donate will make a difference, so we ask that you make your tax-deductible donation (Tax ID# 54-2098945) or by sending a check.
You may also send a check.
Please make your check payable to PUSD Foundation.
PUSD Foundation
13626 Twin Peaks Road
Poway, CA 92064
Tax I.D. #54-2098945
13626 Twin Peaks Road
Poway, CA 92064
Tax I.D. #54-2098945
Attention: Sarah Cockrell